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Unlocking the secrets of talent retention - A game-changer for business excellence

Retaining top talent can significantly impact productivity, innovation, and the overall performance of your organization. Join us for an insightful discussion, as we explore the pivotal role of leadership in talent retention and discover proven strategies and best practices.

The panellists will guide you through a comprehensive toolkit for success and how to identify trends, anticipate challenges, and make informed decisions that positively impact employee satisfaction and longevity.

This discussion is organized in collaboration with the New Brunswick Multicultural Council (NBMC) and is part of the Employer Perspectives webinar series brought to you by the Immigrant Employment Councils of Canada (IECC) and New Canadians TV Network.

Join the Zoom session here.

February 7

Tax Talks for Newcomers and International Students

February 8

Building your Finances and Credit Future in Canada